Aug 5, 2023

Feb 3, 2022

Jan 21, 2022
Join Me on a Journey,
I Will Be Your Cosmic Commodore,
Navigating the Vibrations of the Universe,
On an Interdimensional Adventure,
All About You!
~ Abbey Normal ~
Why Book a Life-Changing Psychic Service?
I am a full spectrum psychic/energy healer, gifted with an ability to translate and transform the very fabric of every simple or complex puzzle within your known or unknown past, present, and future, and I can do all of this with my eyes closed. Don't believe me? See me in action on my Abbey's Psychic Services YouTube Channel!
It is my sincerest pleasure to help anyone who is reaching out for support. When you book a session, you are introducing yourself to a life-changing individual, and that person is me and you! Together, we will go on an amazing adventure with our friends, Enlightenment and Empowerment, through the open door of a major turning point within the cosmic mirror of your super existence. You truly are that big of a deal. This is why it is a blessing to meet you and support you. All energy goes both ways. What I can do to advance the harmony within you, advances it within me, within the world. That is why I say, "We Are Love."
As a Psychic, I listen to frequency patterns which translate into creative scenes that teach me about your energy balance as well as the balance of what you are wanting to achieve in life. As an Energy Healer, I transmute the disharmony, as well as disconnect you from illusions, while amplifying the divine truth, with supportive guidance on how you can become your best self. I can do this for your mind, your emotions, your physical body, your soul, all aspects of anything you can think of, because ALL is frequency, and I can't achieve my talents without the ability to translate and transmute frequency.
So how is ALL frequency? Frequency is vibrational information, just like today’s date and time, your name and what you define as your life story, whether your definition is accurate or exaggerated, how you choose your words or held your words back, or felt unsure or felt confident. How you communicate reveals the depths of your consciousness, unconscious and subconscious human expression, your chakra balance, and on and on and on. Everything is a pinpoint of information. Your inspiration to ask a question is a pinpoint of information, like unzipping a pocket in the cosmic mind of the universe, but in this mind, there is a full spectrum adventure waiting to be discovered and it's all about you. So, when you reach out for support, what you say in your goals is the pinpoint and from there we work through the translation and transformation process of all the frequencies that come with it!
~ Abbey Normal ~
Check Out the Latest Client Sessions on YouTube!
All videos on my Abbey's Psychic Services YouTube Channel are completed client sessions. These are clients who chose to share their experience with the YouTube Public. These sessions are provided to enrich and enlighten the life of the client as well as humanity!
I welcome you to embrace this opportunity to get to know what other human beings in the world are going through, what questions they have, and what wisdom and healing the universe has in store for them, which can also help you too!
Completed Psychic Wisdom & Energy Healing Sessions
Diving into ANY Client Goals: Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, or Other
Enlightenment and Empowerment for the Client and Viewer!
Interested in Booking a Public YouTube Session?
If you're interested in booking a session and having it publicly shared on YouTube, select the Pre-Recorded Video option. From there, you will have the ability to choose an Unlisted or Public YouTube Video.
If the Public YouTube Video option is unavailable or I haven't posted your session yet, it means I'm juggling high volumes and am unable to properly prepare and share sessions at this time. It may be a few weeks or a few months, but I always come full circle with sharing. What I can offer during these times is an appreciation for your patience and kind understanding!
Have More Questions?
I created this Frequently Asked Questions page to offer insight into commonly asked questions!
What Are My Clients Saying?
This Testimonials page highlights many beautiful words I've received over the years.
Did You Know?
There's More than One Psychic Service Pathway!
How You Can Become a Full Spectrum Psychic/Energy Healer Too!
I work with a technique I call journeying, which introduces you to the tools you need to navigate your inner universe. All that is within you is outside of you. Through this beginning step you will learn how to activate all your psychic senses. You will understand how energy communicates, how you can communicate with it while also translating what it's saying to you. As you work through what is inside yourself, you will learn how to navigate what is within others. We are all part of the same mirror, and this mirror isn't just in one place, it's in every place. The mirror teaches the sound of a balanced reflection and guides us to stepping through our barriers of human fear/ego and into a centered place within our cosmic heart.
Side Notes: This is a FUN experience, zero intimidation! The first session is always a little awkward as you will be learning how to journey. I'm here, I'm like a net that will catch you on your first day of cosmic, flying trapeze lessons, aka journeying. It's only strange and new, but you'll see, by the end of the session, you'll have a basic beginning and you'll realize how fun this is. I will also truly enjoy your company and the opportunity to guide you in this life-changing learning!
~ Abbey Normal ~
Receive Two Psychic Perspectives with Double the Wisdom and Healing!
Let me introduce you to my husband, Joseph! We first met in February of 2016 and have been on quite the human and spiritual life journey. We are both adept at translating and transmuting energy. Any simple or complicated life circumstance, whether it's mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual, we would be honored to provide an authentic evaluation with healing support to enlighten and empower your life. When you book an Abbey and Joseph Journey Experience, you will receive two unique session experiences, provided through Pre-Recorded Video or Voice Recording.
Learn More About Abbey and Joseph
Private Tours
Receive an Original Abbey Normal Energy Activation Painting!
Let me tune into your energy field and put upon the canvas a mirrored reflection of deep soul impact. See the painting as an open door into the cosmic universe. When you look through this door, you'll see the expression of a loving being who is smiling and waving back. Who might this be?
I can't say what I'll be called to paint, sometimes it's a face from a past life, sometimes it's an angel or spirit guide, or a representation of your higher self, it might also be a reflection of a soulmate living on another planet. After I complete each painting, I provide an additional 30 Minute Psychic Wisdom and Energy Healing session to discover the meaning behind the face within your painting. I will provide channeled wisdom from this reflection to you, as well as an energy activation to empower your life.
I am called to provide a tangible, visual gift from the spirit realm to those souls who feel guided to receive an Energy Activation Painting. This is a gift you can cherish for a lifetime, and I would be honored to support you in unraveling the mystery of who is knocking at your cosmic door!
This hand-painted gift is completed on stretched canvas, with acrylic paint, and personally signed and dated by myself, Abbey Normal. A 30 Minute Soul Journey session is included with the painting to provide additional healing and wisdom.​
"Abbey, thank you so much for my Energy Activation Painting! I truly felt its energy from the very moment I laid eyes on it and it continues to inspire new discoveries within myself literally everyday. I ended up hanging it on the wall next to my bed so that it is one of the first things I see in the morning. Thank you, again, for everything!"
-Amanda K. Houston, TX
Order an Energy Activation Painting Today!
Catch up on the Latest . . .
Abbey Normal YouTube Channel
Human Awakening Content
Channeled Wisdom & Healing
Metaphysical Discussions/Q&A
My Latest Psychic Experiences
And More!
Enjoy the latest published videos on my Abbey Normal YouTube Channel!
More on the History of My First YouTube Channel!
This YouTube Channel is the first of three I created over the years. I started this channel back in 2013 with two Reiki Attunement videos. I wanted a way to help anyone become attuned for free to all levels of Usui Reiki and Kundalini Reiki. After those two videos, my next inspiration was to share an amazing Emerald Attunement to support a unique type of energy upgrade experience. I have yet to create a Part 2 to this video, my life had gotten so hectic after I made it, I was never able to come back to finish my original vision. Only time will tell what the future holds for this Emerald Attunement Part 2, but I can at least tell you, with steady dedication, the manifestation of brand new accomplishments were in the cards. The beginning of face forward communication, the development of confidence, the discovery of the Soul Journey, and eventually, an investment in a higher quality webcam and microphone, all of this snowballed in 2015 into 2016 and you can watch the story unfold in, My First 100 Abbey Normal Videos!
It's now 2023 and I have over 1,300 published videos of everything I ever felt inspired to say. I naturally have a lot to talk about, and I hope you'll find my heart's devotion to sharing weekly enlightenment and empowerment supportive of your own life path. I know I've needed so much help along the way. It became clear as the years have passed, my purpose is to be my own Master Teacher. I can't say I've particularly enjoyed it, but I made a cosmic announcement that what I discover, I would share, so that nobody would ever feel as alone as I've felt on this journey. It has been hard. If there's one piece of advice, believe in yourself, from the bottom of your heart, believe in yourself. I had to repeat that because it's so important! Also, don't let all the gaps in your life make you feel like you're full of holes, you're whole! Discovering I could face and conquer any adversity inside or outside myself, in the human world or in the interdimensional universe, once that happened, I shed a lot of fear. Fear is pretty dang convincing, but it's not the truth. Once you shed fear, you are impenetrable. You will always still be challenged, but learn how to say, BRING IT! When the universe lays the smack down, it won't crush you anymore, and all you had to do was embrace the experience and believe in yourself! You are your own Master Teacher. Let the experience of life mold and shape you while you choose to relentlessly focus on your strengths over your weaknesses! Don't ever give up, the answer is, You!
So, what comes next from here? Only time will tell (just like my Emerald Attunement Part 2), but for now I am going to keep sharing. I post videos on my Abbey Normal YouTube Channel every Sunday. I'm not perfect, so sometimes it's not on Sunday, but my goal is to post once a week and aim for Sunday.
Thank you for being a part of this Earth with me. We make it a better world, TOGETHER!
​~ Abbey Normal ~
Did You Know?
Abbey Normal is Livestreaming on Patreon!
What Can I Experience on Patreon?
The Monthly Lineup
Week 1 - Energy Activation: Join, Relax, Receive
Week 2 - Mini Readings: Patron-Inspired
Week 3 - You Pick the Topic: Patron-Inspired
Week 4 - Mystery School: Join, Relax, Receive
Week 4 or 5 - Psychic Development Small Group Workshop: Instruction, Practice, Discussion
Choose Your Patreon Tier
SUPPORT: Weeks 1 & 3
EMPOWERMENT: Weeks 1-4 (Does Not Include Workshop)
LOVE & LIGHT: Weeks 1-5 (Includes Workshop)
The More the Merrier
For You!
Meet the Everything Blog!
What's this Metaphysical Library?
For one, I'm refreshing all the original pages on my website. It's time to shed the old skin and show off a new, high caliber vibe. My next level website expression is going to offer a more polished and fun experience, making the navigation of pages and content easier and more memerable!
For two, I'm building a Metaphysical Library with added content on the regular. That's my goal, and it was my initial first step, until I decided to postpone that progress and dedicate my time to refreshing all the original pages. Once that step is done, BAM, it's onto the Metaphysical Library.
I think it's good to keep track of what I'm working on and what you can look forward to in the upcoming website transformations and posts, so I created a section of my website to store the latest, Website Updates!
The Inspiration to Expand my Website
Is Your Name Really Abbey Normal?
I'm going to tell it to you straight, exactly the inspiration for my name, Abbey Normal, and how Abbey Normal's Wisdom Quest came to be!
Back in the day, after I graduated from college in 2007, I went straight into the professional working world. Naturally, I was still in a transitioning phase between a college kid and a mature adult. After work, there were a few of us who were regular Happy Hour drinkers, and that's where I got my nickname, Abbey Normal.
So if you're wondering, yes, it does come from the Young Frankenstein movie, which I still haven't seen yet, but I know all about it. I felt it was a suitable name for someone who feels the abnormal may just be the right kind of normal. Seeing as I'm way outside the box, Abbey Normal, alas, is Me, and this Me has been on a life long journey, a Wisdom Quest that I can't help but share the latest. If there is something I've learned that could help another, I want to do that with my whole life! It's the most normal thing any of us human beings can do, help each other!
From the Young Frankenstein Movie . . .
And PS . . . :)
I love to laugh and I love to smile.
I hope this clip brightens your spirits as much as it does mine!
We Are Solutions to Each Other's Fears/Insecurities/Vulnerabilities.
We Rebuild Each Other,
~ Abbey Normal ~